Convert an STL file to STEP/STP/IGS/DWG primarily to gain more detailed geometric information and editing capabilities compared to the simpler STL format, which is primarily designed for 3D printing and lacks the precision needed for complex CAD operations; essentially, converting to these formats allows for easier modification, sharing, and collaboration on a 3D model across different CAD software platforms, especially when high accuracy is required. 

More detailed information

STEP, IGS, and DWG formats can store additional data like material properties, tolerances, and assembly relationships, which are not present in a basic STL file.

Editing capabilities

While STL is mainly for 3D printing, converting to formats like STEP allows for more precise editing and modification of the model within a CAD program.

Manufacturing purposes

For complex manufacturing processes, detailed CAD data in formats like STEP or IGS might be necessary for accurate machining or tooling creation. 

Sending a design to a manufacturer

When sending a 3D model to a manufacturer for prototyping or production, converting it to STEP or IGS is often preferred to ensure they have all the necessary information

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