CNC manufacturing files include CAD files, G-code files, and NC files. These files are used to control the movement of CNC machines, such as milling machines, lathes, and 3D printers
STEP: A standard format for exchanging product data that is compatible with many CAD/CAM programs. STEP files are reliable and can be used to share 3D models across platforms.
STL: A 3D design file format that is often used in the early stages of manufacturing. STL files are made up of tiny triangles that combine to form the final design.
DXF: A drawing exchange format that is often used for water jet, laser, or plasma cutting.
IGES: An initial graphics exchange specification format that is often used for Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
G-code files: A text file format that contains command lines that control the movement of CNC machines. G-code files are often used in the form of *.nc files, but other extensions include *.cnc, *.ngc, *.gcode, or *.tap.
NC files: A text-based file format that contains G-code, which is a programming language that controls CNC machines.
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